Wednesday, January 13, 2010

pretty cool, sitting by the waterfront side now enjoying the cool breeze. environment here totally rocks. now i'm at the starbucks at One Fullerton. just finished setting my goals for the year. keke..
this place is a must come for chilling, though it's abit 'ulu'...

year of 2009 had been a roller coaster ride for many, even for myself. as such even for 2010, i'm just expecting the ride to go with more twists and turns. (hopefully no motion sickness~~)

i'm just praying to God that even for this year, I want to outdo what I did in 2009. Things that had gone wrong and I had lived through it, I don't wanna go through them definitely. If the lesson is learnt let it be a history of the past. It can be quite tiring having to go through the same thing all over.

definitely God have His plans for me and I'm just hoping I will be ready to go through them. One thing's for sure is that this year I have to watch over myself and guard those that has been entrusted to me. Things will not seem to be so tempting at the beginning but when the full picture blows and I dwell into it, there's no way of determining how to salvage it and hoping God will come to 'cover up' or minimise the damage done.

as the storm rises and settles, another is awaiting to come and bring forth more damage. but yet with every greater trial comes greater glory when it is overcomed or tided through. It represents a greater capacity of growth and containment for greater things.

I am just thinking, as we grow older, how will we grow wiser? As God anoints and blesses us with more capacity, how do we go about handling them? Something personal for myself, to change my thinking. we are made to adapt. our thinking can't be fixed to one direction forever. we need to position ourselves by changing our thinking to the seasons of God.

haaz, okay this is getting too serious here. just another random posting.. :S *hungry*

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