Friday, February 19, 2010

Random posting...

Just a random thought. Attended 2 wakes in 2 days.. How fragile life is... Seeing the strength put up by the loved ones to 'hide' the loss really admires me. The way you want to tell others 'I'm okay. Dun need to worry about me,' cracking lame jokes and putting a smile on your face despite the tiredness and the situation.

It's almost like you could sense the fear and sadness fm the person over the loss but yet the person has the strength to present everything's gonna be alright, life still goes on look. It's not about disguising the loss, but it's really bringing the zoe life of God into practical I feel. Really like the heroes of the Bible singing praises to God at their most down time, giving glory to God despite the tiredness effortlessly, having the necessary countenance to show all things are alright etc. The +ve attitude you carry. All represents the love, strength and grace one carries through God.

My heart really went to her as I was looking at her fragile face, not slping for the last 40hrs, hanging on to ensure things are fine and all goes well etc. I could see a fragile face, yet a strong spirit with the attitude of able to do all things. Source of motivation: Christ...
HM, if u r looking at this, i really admire your spirit and indeed you are my role model! Thank God for such a strong person like yourself that really supports and strengthens even in the toughest of the situation. Hats goes all out for you.
Certainly your dad is now enjoying his fellowship with God now, don't worry ya? :)

Leadership, what is it all about really? Choosing to lead to serve, or serve to lead?

As you set off as a leader, what kind of image are you posing to those under your charge. As someone who leads, you have to be one that gets prayed up and disciplined in life because all that matters is setting your life right for others to follow or learn from.
A leader is out to serve and give, with the right mindset of wanting to bless and bringing others up closer to their destiny.

How do you categorise as a leader over others? When you have followers and those who listen to you.
What's a leader without anyone to lead? But what really attracts one to be under the authority of the other? Similarly like Jesus, what attracted the multitudes to listen to Him or to seek after Him wherever He goes?
Where's your area of influence? how strong are they on the people you know?

Followers follow a leader because he is able to provide something which the followers can or hope to learn from, thus value adding what's in their lives. Be it spiritual teachings, talents in music etc. Because the followers are deprived and want to know more, that's why leaders with those criterias are chased upon. Because of what they can offer.

Comparing 2 masters (one gd and one bad) and you are the slave waiting to be bought over, (the gd master can pay less than the bad maxter for the same slave and can teach more as well), which oone will u Want to be.

A leader's never easy. you must have the capability to meet the needs of those under you, serving those around you and those who have authority over you. In short, a 360 degree leader.
Yet it is never about just serving and fulfilling the mins and quotas. It's about meeting needs and being the best of who we are and in others.
what's a person when he or she loses his or her soul? If we get too technical and less relational, how different are we from robots?
Yet as human it's natural for us to understand each other and meet needs out of the love God has for us. What's there to hate when love exists?

Random posting today... Till next time. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Essentials of Life - Blood

Sometimes it can be so scary when faith stops working in ur heart, and the blood can no longer pump on just beliefs alone.

Beliefs are just like your red blood cells of the blood, bringing about the convictions, your dreams, visions and principles to all around the body.
At the same time, faith works like the white blood cells. Providing the immunity and anti-bodies, they help protect the very things you believe in, in every way.

Faith don't work together with fear, which are the viruses that comes to kill the red blood cells. Instead, faith works against it and the confidence which grows from the faith double secures the victory.
Faith and confidence works specifically towards the different kind of fear and setback, making each immunity unique. (similar to the lock and key model)

Hope. Acting like the platelets of the blood, they bring recovery to the wounds, wherever it is.

Love, as the blood vessels of the body. Helping to channel all the important ingredients around which provides an overall circulation of those to ensure things are running to perfection.

Try relating yourself when you are injured and wounded physically to the times when you are so discouraged and desperate.
Under those 2 circumstance, imagine how the blood actively outpouring into the wounded area, ensuring the area has enough blood to sustain the survival.
The blood vessels transporting the blood, red blood cells acting as filter and helping in the transportation of foreign bodies remains out of the wound, white blood cells acting against the germs or viruses to prevent infection, platelets quickly clotting up the wound to ensure blood is not lost further.

Similarly in the supernatural how the love of God can help bring about healing when we are at our down times. The love providing the necessities of the healing process. Beliefs and convictions you have secures your existance and life, the faith acting against the fear, the hope that brings new light to the wound that allows you to move on.

How true it is as you see how faith, love, hope etc works hand in hand, functions similar to how our body works and co-relates.

Was just thinking of how life will work when faith fails to exist when i think God gave the idea of what I'd blogged..

I just love God as who He is. :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Do or do not?

It's often a contradiction how people wants to give but yet afraid to give. Probably the same for many others in terms of doing something etc.

There's always a desire within us to do that one thing, but fear always hold us back from doing it. Fear of not able to do it well, doing it till the end or even failing it.
Well, more often than not how many of us always hear of this line from others 'I'll try my best'? Nothing wrong with it really and at least the person is willing to give a try.
I'm often remembered by what Yoda in 'The Star Wars' movie used to say, ''Do or do not, there is no try.'' Simple words, yet the amount of confidence involved in saying 'you will do it' instead of 'i will try'.

Probably I should be less skeptical this round in not saying we should always say 'I will do it', but rather we should give ourselves a chance to do it, even if it means being less confident.. Even i can't say everytime that I can do it with full confidence.

Somehow I still thank God for the grace involved because when we step up in faith to say we will do it, He will give us what we need to overcome the difficulties and help us to complete what we has set out to do.

Very nice God I have coz no matter how hard things are, it will be of abounding grace that will push things through for me. :)

Gonna have faith!