Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Do or do not?

It's often a contradiction how people wants to give but yet afraid to give. Probably the same for many others in terms of doing something etc.

There's always a desire within us to do that one thing, but fear always hold us back from doing it. Fear of not able to do it well, doing it till the end or even failing it.
Well, more often than not how many of us always hear of this line from others 'I'll try my best'? Nothing wrong with it really and at least the person is willing to give a try.
I'm often remembered by what Yoda in 'The Star Wars' movie used to say, ''Do or do not, there is no try.'' Simple words, yet the amount of confidence involved in saying 'you will do it' instead of 'i will try'.

Probably I should be less skeptical this round in not saying we should always say 'I will do it', but rather we should give ourselves a chance to do it, even if it means being less confident.. Even i can't say everytime that I can do it with full confidence.

Somehow I still thank God for the grace involved because when we step up in faith to say we will do it, He will give us what we need to overcome the difficulties and help us to complete what we has set out to do.

Very nice God I have coz no matter how hard things are, it will be of abounding grace that will push things through for me. :)

Gonna have faith!

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