Wednesday, December 30, 2009

just had a chat with Mel last night and guessed one of the paragraphs that I'd typed had reaffirmed her fears, about being detached from the cell group when the busyness of the season comes like Christmas or Easter when the ministry requires more attention?

previously back in Vic's cg, ministry was almost like everything to me and it was pretty common how easy I would 'disappear' from services and cg could only see me during cgm? haha.
Pretty unhealthy yea and it had gotten to me that it wasn't God whom I'm serving for in the ministry but myself. That's when things got haywire anyway but when it came onto the current cg, things were very much different.
by then I had paced down and stabilised myself in ministry in terms of roles and responsibilities and very much of the things are pretty ad-hoc, despite certain commitments to it. things started falling into place pretty nicely for the 1st half and had the chance of fellowshipping more with the cg and knowing them better. So it was the relationships that kept me rooted to this cg.
Pretty unique synergy of how the cg is made up, and esp when I'm older than the rest comparatively which pretty suits me up in a adult cg more appropriately. Anyway despite that, things gelled pretty well for me.

I guess everytime before I move on to a new level, balance will always be a problem for me. As shared in my previous post, cg was there but I didn't felt part of it. Yeap, prayers were made but above the prayers, many more in the cg rose up to the occasion to make things happen which I'm proud of! :)

It is really the balance that determines the outcome of things. Once the focus is lost, the balance loses itself.

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