Thursday, December 31, 2009


Weee... last night's connect group leaders' mtg was great, what pb shared got me thinking alot.

all the plans about following up new friends, working on the members, raising up new leaders, strengthening the current leaders, setting visions and the list goes on.. pretty exciting year ahead for 2010, but somehow I didn't really share the joy and excitement then. I was just thinking and reflecting...

this year 2009 had been a rough, yet an exciting year. more exciting than a roller coaster I would say? meeting new friends and buddies, going overseas with frenz to celebrate birthdays, new jobs and promotions, new cell group etc. many many things. (who says life with God is boring, haha!)
of course many other new things came on as well, breakthroughs came knocking like never before.

some things from yesterday:
- a leader is never about the appointment. the appointment affirms the promotion, like a cell group leader or usher team leader etc. what's valuable in the promotion is the capacity you grow out of the process and then coming on to a new level.
and being a leader is really about taking charge, braving the storms. many a time people seek appreciation and affirmation through being a leader but how many actually understands the risks and sacrifices being one? and more often than not, they don't get appreciated and it is a lot of back-end preparation, trials and scoldings which makes the front so presentable. the endurance and the long-suffering, going through the fire, the purification process wahh...

- right now it is a character molding process. how many times have I stood back coz' of the big challenges and precisely coz' i'm fighting it alone. giving up is not an option in God's dictionary. it is a favourite cheer in Satan's dictionary. imagine yourself running in the sports stadium and lacking behind, with thousands of crowd, everyone (Satan and devils) is jeering 'Give up, give up' and God in one corner, standing out from the light He emits says a loud 'Move on, I will wait for you at the finishing line!' and that word seems to shadow over the thousand jeers in the stadium. and you continue to run and run, forgetting the jeers and persists on to the finishing line!
the thoughtfulness to follow through, the ability to widen my scope and multi-task, discipline, multiple dimension leadership!!!

- balance is the key. above that it has to be pushed with a vision or a revelation from God. when you have a direction to go towards, you will not be lost and instead, it serves as an added motivation for you to run towards the finishing line.

what a way to end my 2009! welcome 2010!!! :D

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