Monday, March 3, 2008

1st offical blog

Finally started blogging after a long time.. Kind of influenced the friends that blogs a lot and it really got me back into the interest of blogging. Haha..

Stage of preparation. That's where I'm in now.
Feel that God's preparing me now. With all the trials and the challenges and it's really difficult at times but God's gonna pull me through. Not to forget I have a wonderful grp of ppl that's supporting me, especially my dear leader... =)

Weekend just passed as usual, so it's back to weekday schedule of having to go to work etc... Seems normal right? but that's when God shows Himself to be so true, being the extraordinary in the mundane life. That's what I like about God and that's how we learn to appreciate Him.

Above all these, it's important to have the respect and fear for God, to allow Him into our lives to change us from within, to be more and more like Him. God is ever faithful and true and His promises never fail to amaze and keep you motivated to do His will, fulfilling His purpose for you. God's really amazing.

But as they say, it takes 2 hands to clap. God is always there for you, but it's up to you to seek Him everyday, in your own quiet time and space where it's just you and Him alone. It's only then you are fueled up, geared up for your destiny and doing the many great things for God.

That's me, wanting to be so. Where it's the basics but yet it's the key to my future successes. =)

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