Monday, March 3, 2008

Yest did my C1 duty for Expo. Man the duty was great and things went on smoothly although there will hiccups here and there. (if a duty is ever perfect, it's only because everyone worked together to work things out.)

Challenge in the morning was I had few ushers (4 as of 8:30am), zone wasn't set up till near 8:40am, got 3 trainee ushers + 1 trial usher attached to my zone.. And doors really opened late. Haha.. Another thing was trying to secure the seats fm members who were very stringent on their reservation of seats.
Some things I liked about duty was my briefing really improved!! *claps* Actually had the aim in the past to focus my briefing on the spiritual needs of the ushers rather than the technical coz it's really, reallly boring to teach ushers how to usher when they are ushers themselves!! And I'd managed to get the attention of the ushers as I gave the briefing which means I just hit another level of success as a leader. Hehe.. Shall maintain this standard of my brief and hitting beyond. Gonna make it a point to make things more fluent as I talked my connect grp and fellow cg members..
Muz really thank HS for making that possible and a good one!

Another pt is the ushers that worked amazingly hard and the ICs that i had were simply wonderful like Xiao En and Jess. Yea.. Blessings of God really came and it's really so wonderful, able to worship the Lord and ushering His presence in.

Actually I was pretty much blown away by how God had blessed and showed Himself to be so true during the duty itself because the difference is really there and it's just so amazing really. Truely He's the one that's ever faithful and stand true to His words, with his never-failing grace. =)

Guess I'm just going crazy thanking God! Haha..

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