Monday, March 3, 2008


Key to maintaining a relationship with be the constant fellowship with each other. Because that's when you would press into the life of the other and vice versa, where you would know the other better. Bonds are then strengthened due to the in-depth knowledge of understanding each other.

Today I had the chance to be able to fellowship with Vic and Olivia today. I love to fellowship with her really coz she's always the one to disciple me and watching me grow, giving me the advices I need which I feel blessed about. Anyway the fellowship was a impromptu one but I'm glad I was there. =)

Well, on my way back home suddenly thought of calling up Lifang and Chris to fellowship again and manage to settle ourselves down at Subway. Things were really going crazy as we were laming around etc. It just went out of control until we were like so loud inside! Lol.
I muz say Chris is really good as the way she cares fpr people is really from the bottom of her heart and although she's young and all but her thinking and behaviour has exceeded of mine. Plus I'm truly blessed by her existance, wanting to be there for people she cares yea. And she's a sharp kid in terms of emotions to. Lol.

Anyway that's all for now.. tata!

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