Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wah, been a few days since I last updated my blog. Busy days this month because of duties in camp and trying to juggle with time to spend with family, cell group and ministry. This month is really a testing phase for me and so many challenges oncoming and ahead of me.

I want to be strong in Christ, to do my best for Him. Even in the face of downfall, I still want to be at my best and be weakened with my moods. Been quite a bad testimony in camp and I didn't even realise it myself. All the carelessness at work and not being excellent in them. U can consider that I deserve it but the consequence is really quite bad. Almost 'kana' mark le. Haiz.
Need the strength of God to make things right and to make sure I won't fall short of the glory of God in my camp! Amen to that!!

Balance of time, commitment and not losing the important values of my life and compromising them because of the values of the world.

That's what I'm going to achieve in this season. And aiming for the next level.

I learnt finally, that promotion comes from God. It's ok to desire for promotions coz that's your desire, but wanting it for your own and not for God will cause all to be delayed. You may be meeting the requirements for the promotion but your Promoter ain't gonna do so because you are not focusing on the Promoter but the promotion. I'll always have people reminding me about that but it just stays in my head. I have to learn to integrate that into my heart.

I know God has a purpose for me. I'd failed once. Though recent but it seemed so long ago. The end result was that I had to take a longer route to reach the same destination. God is good coz' I'm still able to arrive at the same destination, fulfilling His purpose. It hurts because along the way, I had disappointed many people (my peers, leaders and people close to me) and it brought down the standards of my life, finding myself degrading by the day. Yet at the same time I was still very prideful and thinking my chance would come. Yes, my chance will come, but not when I change myself from within with God, not without God.

Somehow I thank God that whenever I blog, I release what's within and not hide it, hence learning to share and relate. I actually become very frank with myself and with God. (i know He's reading as i type, haha)

There are so many things that I need to do, but
one thing to really focus on: God.

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