Sunday, March 16, 2008

yea!!! Just came back fm CG BBQ.. Too bad I had to leave early because got to send Mark and Timothy home. Hah...

Today's service is definitely power packed. Pst Phil Pringle's in town!! Will and have loved his presence in our church a lot!! I feel that this season is really a season of promotion and rising up to the next level with the help of HS, to receive the anointing as we emerge victorious over the trials placed in our lives. And it's in line of what Pst Kong preached about the church moving on to the next level too. Season of promotion and growth!!

Did C1 for svc and Stage 1 for PM. Wow I tell you today's duty is so far the best although it really stretched my capacity a whole lot! 3rd time doing C1 with Shirley and it was definitely much better as compared to the first time and my zone had no loopholes in the end and I sense a greater purpose for me in this ministry in this season.
Alot of things I'm still learning, as I interact with the ushers fm different levels and I enjoy that kind of interaction and raising up new leaders in the midst of those ready to respond to God's calling. Haha.
I sense something is coming but I need affirmation on that. Things are revealing by itself but somehow I just need that extra affirmation to confirm it. Anyway back to duty, got 0 loopholes in the end but really thank God that I was able to spot the 'hidden' loopholes in the zone and filled them up quick enough, even when the word's about to start. How close can things such everytime? Just love serving God, ushering His presence in!

During my briefing today, was telling the ushers how it's important to be a 'people's usher' than an 'usher's usher', which you serve the people as an usher having their interests in mind and not serving because you are an usher. How true...
Another point shared was when QZ asked me this, 'Do you this Pastoral Ministry is a great ministry?' My initial answer was a yes but I thought that regardless of whatever ministries, it's meant to serve God and the people. So all ministries are great, in their own way. Difference is only how unique each ministry is.

Yea, I pray I'lll remember it for as long as I can.

In any case, it was super funny today coz according to Lay Choo, I'm the only one fm Grp 3 allocated for PM and as Stage 1 during morning brief and I really flipped after hearing it, and after svc duty, they keep bugging me to go buy lunch etc la but thank God got Juan to ask Mark to help me by! =)
'Prophesied' today that Juan's my SL coz this week she had been my 'SL' since she had been calling me regarding forecast and section matters de lor. Haha so funny!!!!

Yea.. What a great Sunday right, to be with God and for God! =)

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