Thursday, March 6, 2008



Just came back fm sailing.. Quite a zuobo one but the returns are great really. Could sense the presence and the purpose of God in the NS field. Gonna exploit more of that. Haha.

A revelation just hit me, about knowing the purpose of God in your life and why have you been called to serve. Was reading Sing Yee's blog and it hit the topic of servanthood, what's the purpose of serving in a ministry? Because of the needs to be met through the ministry to bless others. Quite simple but we tend to forget this as we achieve the small little achievements in the ministry.

Was on this topic with Vic the other time on serving either 'too much' in cg or in ministry. But she brought me to this attention for the fact in whether it's in CG or in ministry, it's still serving God in different areas. Well that really widened up my scope on the way we can serve God but yet not being 'jin jin ji jiao' on how you serve God.

Since the day i started in ministry, (in short) the story of Mary and Martha (did i spell correctly) haha on serving Jesus in their house when He came by for a visit.. Mary was wholeheartedly serving Jesus, beside Him and fellowshipping with Him while Martha was beside doing the 'necessary' to make Jesus comfortable in their place.
See the difference in how Jesus was served?

So, are you the Mary or the Martha?

For me, I choose to be the Mary~ (shall evaluate more on this story in my next entry)

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