Wednesday, October 29, 2008

haha I'm feeling so excited right now! *done some sharing with Vic through a very loooonnnnggg email which i'm glad I'd let it out*

sorry for not updating this blog everyone! Here's some short updates..

Yesterday we went out to celebrate 81's bday. It was KTV session cum games cum fellowship. Glad that things worked out well and everyone enjoyed themselves. =) But it was a dramatic day to start with because I had mild food poisoning and I couldn't move less moving between bed and the toilet for one hour plus. Thank God after praying I felt better (still painful and weak to move) and went down for the event. Had to go and collect the cake plus other preps to do etc.
Thank God for His grace throughout the entire event that at crucial times I was able to focus in leading games and not feel the pain and all and the place was really vibrant with everyone enjoying themselves!
Yea! 2 thumbs up for the whole thing especially to Karen as she was the mastermind of everything except one thing, her own birthday celebration!! We threw in a surprise bday celebration for her but things didn't went too well at first so I was like frantic jumping up and down but glad that it was still a surprise! Haha! *Operation Surprise a success!!*

Anyway until the end of the event, the body just couldn't take it and went home early though wanted to join the rest for fellowship... Ended up sleeping for 11 hours till today before going to work. Even in the morning don't feel like going to work and to stay home to rest but God is good! Can't imagine the amount of work I have tomorrow if I didn't go today?!?!

Over the weekend was alright with attending svc on Saturday and Sunday having ministry in the morning. Sermon was good as Pst was preaching about the DNA of our church and it was really enjoyable! Sun duty was pretty alright with no cock-ups and things went smoothly and somehow don't know whether to thank God or not because after the service when the whiteboard was returned back to Logistics, one of the wheels broke! (at least it didn't broke on stage...)

Anyway Sun afternoon was Youth'Em 4: Freedom of Choice! Haha man we sure had lots of fun there, seeing Wenjuan and Jeremy rapping for the 1st time on stage but they sure did a good job! It was definitely the best event yet proudly brought to you by the young, energetic, vibrant youths of DT zone! Heh.. Oh must I say that Lionel has such good charisma leading worship on stage and John + Rallen's performance being so good that you want to have an endless list of encore performances from them? Haha!! And B.Darren was so funky with all the hip hop actions and you certainly don't see this side of him often but it's something new that we see. Rock on B.Darren!! =D

That basically sums up for the last weekend and more exciting days ahead with Building Fund in 3 days and Asia Conference in 18 days! =)


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