Wednesday, May 13, 2009

weee... so excited!!! Why? Coz me going diving!!! Yay!! in July!! hahaha.. gonna be a life time experience diving for the first time hehee..

sometimes i just wish as we dive down to the deep, all the negatives of the hurts, sorrows, disappointments, anger will dive and drown with it..
And as we start surfacing up, what receives you is the sunlight which represents new start and hope to your life.

Sometimes however you just got to solve it on hand, right in the face of the problem. Sorrows, hurts, disappointments yes, they will come as you feel down not able to solve a problem or others criticising and putting you down.

But I always remember God is still good, all the time. He will always be there for me, no matter what. Even if something bad happens, i still trust in my daddy God and all things will be alright in the end.

Now I'm thinking, can i be there for just the one person out there, to make the difference and bring hope into her life? giving her the happiness she deserves?

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