Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Body and Life

new breath, new life.

when we stop breathing, life stops to cease.

yet we are made to breathe, every second and every moment. doesn't that a simple proof that life is ever going and so important to live on?

out of the composition of air we breathe, there will be a small portion of harmful gases. yet our body is well and able to manage and filter them out. pretty direct to say that we are able to overcome all odds, difficulties or bad things that happen to us and function as per normal.

similarly for our immune system, it is designed to adapt to the evolving threats that our body faces with viruses etc and kill and win over it, gradually but surely. so it also speaks of us, that no matter how hard things are, we will overcome it, no matter what.

yeap there will be some cancer cells or viruses which can overpower our immune system, cause our internal organs to stop functioning etc. still there will be medication available or developing in progress that can help to curb the sicknesses. in real life the medication represents the friends and people God place over our lives to help us overcome them.

why do things that's on the contrary of how our body functions? if there's a difficulty, manage and overcome it. our body is designed to live for a period of time. make that period of time count. God don't design or create something without a purpose. I am a person created for a purpose, you are too.

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