Tuesday, June 2, 2009

last weekend was a chiong period for me.. hahaz..

SOS CWBS was great, had 2 revelations, one being a leader you cannot be spiritually dry and being one means you got to pray more, constantly receiving from God so that you can lead your people by feeding them as well. Which led to the second revelation about discipleship is all about feeding as well. *not physical feeding but being a channel for them to connect to God as well*

Saw Melina's blog 2 days ago and she was mentioning "By serving, am I missing out on more things as compared to if I hadn't served?" This question came to me many times, both in thoughts and in person from others.
What actually is serving? What makes someone serve? And probably what does it take for someone to serve?

My own definition? Serving involves a sacrifice, be it time or people, on personal expense sometimes. A good example may be some extra time needs to be taken to plan and prepare sermon or do lyrics for cgm.
Serving in a ministry is not just about taking the extra time to serve, but is why you are serving. Everyone can serve in a CG all the way to being a CGL but why are there people serving in ministries like usher, TV etc? Coz God from the beginning has given each of us a talent, unique to each of us that enables us to serve in diff areas.
Serving = meeting the needs of people, the organisation as well.
Of course I'm not totally into serving all the way and hence lacking out on the time needed to spend with our loved ones and family coz simply too much serving is unhealthy. That's why wherever you are in, cg or ministry, we got to be human-focused and not just ministry-focused as well. One way is to have good relationships with the people such that ministry = family to you as well. Hence striking a balanace is very important.

Whether you find losing more when you are serving depends solely on the purpose of your service onto others and your attitude towards it.
If you are all for serving for material reasons, very soon you may just burn out and when you start losing control all else will fail.
If your attitude is bad, rest assured whatever you do, it will be ineffective.
So it's always important to put God in the centre of our life and ministry as well coz He alone is able to plan the route for us and all we have to do is to go ahead in faith and with boldness.
Seriously, ministry is not for the weak-hearted. (took that from maria's blog haha)

In short, all's not about serving but really is the human heart that perceives the service.


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