Monday, September 22, 2008

finally, has gotten over fm last week's mood swings i would say but come to think of it, quite scary to recall what has happened because it really seemed like i was in a bottomless pit all helpless.. but thanks to some peeps that helped, to the wee hours when the hp will just go dead on batt. haha

so glad that things are progressing, be it ministry or personal life.. just had a new revelation on finances, esp after the last session on Wheel of Life on the topic 'Finances'. Quite powerful, that when you plan your budget, budget a sum of money solely to GIVE AWAY. Shocking? Coz usually we always plan our budget for our own management and use but what does giving away money got to do with budgeting?
Principle's quite simple.. What you reap is what you sow. So as you start to give more, you will start to gain more just like harvesting.. The lesser seeds you spread across the field, the lesser you get in return and vice versa..
And one key to leading a debt free life is to know your priorties.. Is your money used to getting the wants and not on other impt things like settling bills or being quick to return ppl money? Haha.. just some things to think about..

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