Friday, September 5, 2008

What exactly is service onto others?

How would you define service onto others? (personal definition)?

Do you have any agenda when it comes you serving others, inclusive of those either lower or higher statures than yourself?

What is the reason why I'm serving and not being served?

Do I want/expect any returns out of my service onto others?

What makes a good servant and the qualities behind a good servant?

How can I improve on myself in terms of my service onto others and in what way benefits me?

Last of all, who am I serving ultimately? God or man?

I'm running through this questions in my mind as it sets me thinking on why I want to serve as an usher, in CG when I can sit down and wait for this to happen. Recently there had been questions asked by people I know, why did I do this in the 1st place, why am I doing this etc?

One thing I know is that I'm serving out of passion and not out of obligation. The difference is the passion gives you the energy and stamina to go far while being obliged simply don't last long. And with the passion, there's the desire to excel in the job and not slacken.

And the reason why I'm still in ministry now is partly because of the people whom I'm serving, towards and with. The love for God and love for people, the 2 elements that drives and changes things. For myself I find it rewarding when people smiles back in appreciation of what you'd done for them, or a simple 'Thank You' from them does make a difference too.
And the people whom I'm serving with, be it ushers, leaders or members, they are an amazing group of people and regardless of their background or their weaknesses, each have inside them a special talent that no devil can rob away from and that talent has to be maximised to it's fullest potential.

Well, that's about all for now i think.. More things to crap on tomorrow! What's in for this weekend let's see.. Alex's birthday celebration after Wheel of Life, Weng's wedding on Sat afternoon at Merchant Court and Sun communion! Haha.. =)

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