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Thursday, December 30, 2010
#3 Love is....
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#2 Love is...
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
#1 LOVE is...
All thanks to.... :)
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It calls for a time for celebration when victories are tasted but in view of failures, courage was needed to put both feets up so one may walk again.
For me, it had been an exciting journey as I think back right now. Roller coaster ride indeed.
Let's see really as I think back what I had gone through...
Jan was a start when I started chasing Shuyun, also the time when I quitted from my first full-time job.
Feb was a pretty okay month with struggles of whether I should enter SOT but praise God, by then I was confirmed and accepted into it!
Blessings came then both financially and in terms of my relationship with the leaders like 80 and 95.
It was a brand new start by the time SOT started in March as there were many things that I'd took on like SOT ushering and making new friends around the world.
Assignments came, lessons were packed, blessings were still on the way with part time jobs that supplemented the income...
April and May were like the cruising period when everything was still on momentum, not to forget the peak being for the Asia Conference '10.
June was perhaps more exciting as I had found my new partner and everything then start taking for a turn though blessings were still on their way, in a different form. Not to forget the first taste of preaching in front of live audiences.
By July I started to see myself 'degenerating' from what I used to be. Could be an act of complacency, or simply my character could not support where God wanted me to go that I need to be corrected on the inside.
Ministry was a setback for me, with many things being challenged not on authority, but on my character to sustain what I had being entrusted.
God was still good as I embarked on my first mission trip to Surabaya, GpDI Elohim with 14 other amazing ppl and indeed it was an exciting time then doing many works and in hope of blessing the church and the city.
August was a breaking month with preparation of exams, handing up of assignments and of couse getting ready for our graduation. My second mission trip with Pst Darren to GpDI LC in Jakarta where we had Emerge Conference there! It was a blast and with the other good pals fm the zone, we certainly had fun and we could sense God creating history there! Many youths on fire, certainly a greater destiny yet to come!
Then came September and October when winter started for me. Family went through turmoil after turmoil, being unemployed myself. Financially it was not sustainable but God saw us through, every single day of it.
November was a revelation month of me, when things started unfolding on the future of myself and my family. Of course the truth was hurting but it was a phase we need to go through. The search for a job went on still. Ministry wise, it took on a lower turn but with new additions to the team that made a whole world of difference.
December. A month of decisive moments that determines the future, actions that will shape the course of my life. It was a visionary month as well as many more unfolded which will affect the future.
2 forms of separation I will need to go through, decisions I need to make that requires a hard reset of my priorities. More importantly, I was able to set pace to tell myself I can afford to slack no more, after many hardships I had to go through, unnecessarily.
Overall, it was more of a downtime when most of it had to be spent on re-building the trust that was lost by me, many whackings that could be avoided if I had been more attentive.
Power of leadership, discipleship, delegation and empowerment are the main things I need to learn.
Time waits for no one, everyone has the same amt of time each day as long as you are alive. What you do will and shall shape and break for the future.
I guess that is about all for me in 2010. 9 more days to go. Only these 9 days to make the 2010 most worthwhile yet, and making 2011 a great start for myself.
And most importantly, a new start of greater things to come!. God certainly won't let me miss out the fun I believe! :)
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Thursday, December 9, 2010
The greatest of all is, love
God is not one that just loves to joke, but loves to see people grow as well. He can choose to leave us alone but chose not to out of a great motivation called 'love'.
In all ways He has never fallen short of being there for us and standing in the gap with us. How bad things are, He is there to comfort and to strengthen.
love is not just sacrificing but also being there for the person, giving that person the best one can offer.
I'm glad my God has done all these, just for me.
But on a personal note, what is love to you and how will you express it to the ppl you love?
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Vision for a leader
Vision is the oxygen, the breathing life of a leader. Without the vision, there is no leading, no direction to go.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Before going on to the next level, we go through stages of preparation. In the stages of preparation, many trials and tribulations set us apart from our comfort zone. We face things. Either those we are not willing to step into, those that we fear or those that we never thought would happen or exist in our situation.
A good example will be going through our education to finally get our certification. Getting the certification is the level we must reach, but the exams, teachers (ooppsss), going to school that seem so far away etc are the trials we go through, to put it simply.
All things happen for a reason. We don't go through things as if it is a must to go through them only. There can be many pre-requisites to accomplish before we move on. The trials and tribulations at the stages serve as a platform of preparation before we embark to a new level. It often deals with our character or personality, things of the heart or the mind.
It revolves around our circumstances or the environment and the external factors causes us to make decisions that determines the course or ultimately the result of the trial.
If we can surpass ourselves to grow stronger after each ordeal as we make the right decisions, congratulations! You advance closer to the next level. Otherwise, I'm sorry!! You need to go through it again until you pass it! Something humour about God is He never fails to provide you with the many chances until you get it right! If not should you decide on a different path, God winds it around such that ultimately you will reach that place.
Just suddenly reminds me of the a building, with steps linking to each floor. No lifts, no ropes to climb on, just steps. The whistle blows, and you are on your way to finish a vertical marathon.
Each floor you advances represents a progress, every step you take to reach the next floor represents a small victory. Yeap as you spend longer time running, you do get tired. Often you tend to get restless, forgetful, disappointed, anxious. But something different about this marathon there are designated pit stops for you to rest, charge up and be ready before you rest again.
Sounds familiar about what I'd blogged before this example? Life is like a run in this marathon. You get excited in the beginning, full of energy and you run at your best speed. At points of life you get tired, tell yourself maybe I shan't go on, too tiring!!! Your mind tells you you'd done your best, let others run for you. For some, they just give up halfway, for others they continue on.
Continue on, you'll see the prize. Giving up, you'll see where you are and not the future.
God has a great purpose for you and me. What you and I go through now are just trials and tribulations. There are different levels for us to go to and advance on. If you are tired, rest. But be sure to run on. Time waits for no one. Don't miss out on anything!
Be open to change. Change is the only constant thing and it is usually for the better. If you need to open up your heart, change your mindset, do it. You won't lose out. Because my God is one who never shortchanges.
I need to be one that's ready and open to change! Roar! PRESS ON, BREAKTHROUGH, GAMBATTE! :P
Got to be prepared and the only defense and offense i have is You.
Everything about You resides in me. Got to pull out what's necessary to fight the battles, wage victory cries against my enemies!
Though they may come from the left or the right, though I may be surrounded, but as long as the banner is raised high, i'm afraid of nothing. Even my fears will have to be casted one side as faith takes over!
As the enemies charges in, I shall fight a way through because You are one who provides all that I need.
In the midst of the darkness through the trials and tribulations, i will be tested. Out of all these the victory awaits me, to claim the eternal crown. To reign and rule with You.
I may be the weary but You are one who gives me strength, power and wisdom to fight.
You are the ULTIMATE symbol of victory!
Praise You always!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Moments, Decisions, Eternity
Decisions - one which is determined by the moments we live in and affect those we will
live out.
Eternity - where time matters no more, but affected by the decisions we make.
For every moment we live in, it is because of the decisions that we make. And those we make will affect the future we have and hence our eternity.
Enjoy each moment you have, make the right decisions and embrace the long awaited eternity of time.
Blog revamped!
But still gotta figure out how to put in the tagboard.. Anyone can help? Lol..
Cmg back later to blog.. :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
When you don't move, there is no hope to where you are.
Even as you are walking in the shadows of death, keep on going. You will not know what is at the end till you are there.
Walk on, run on, jump on. Do anything and everything you must to keep on going.
No matter how bad or how good it may be. Persevere on. All things will turn for the better, ultimately.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
last 5 months had been an exciting journey, especially since SOT started? as usual there are the ups and downs, roller coaster rides which many people will go through at different degrees of it.
in whatever circumstance there is, God teaches us to rejoice and praise Him no matter what happens. I was just reading the book "how to become a Contagious Christian" and read this section where some flaky Christians would throw away their emotions and will continue to "Praise the Lord" etc.
I'm not trying to condemn such actions as being inhumane or being illogical as each have their own perspective to go with. One thing I like about God is that He gives us emotions to freely express ourselves, be it happiness, sadness, excitement, melancholic or even anxiety. It makes us really 'human' don't you think?
It is because we have emotions that we can express how we actually feel towards God or others in the various circumstances. :)
Try saying "Praise The Lord!" in excitement and compare that with saying the same line without emotions. How much difference it will make, seriously!!
just today in school, suddenly got reminded of how vulnerable one is, to slide back from being enthusiastic to being laid back. And to think of it, I went through that as well, during the last 5 months of school seriously. thoughts of wanting to do this and that, to being care-less of every other thing that's not new to me or to do it coz' of others commitment to the particular subject. I'm not easily affected by others' passion now...
At just about the same time it occured to me as well how true it is, that your character supports the level of your success. You can be brought to a level where you are successful because of the situation you are in but if your character cannot sustain that, you will fall to the level which your character can sustain you best at, from your last level of success.
That of course, by no means an accident to remind others how much you need to work on so that you can be ready when the next leap of success comes in, that is a constant work of maintainence and building strength into your character.
Of course do be mindful of what can cause you to degrade in your character, like viruses causing damage to the body for as long as it stays active in the body.
Okay, just a brief summary of what I'm watching out or going through myself in this season. :)
more updates coming up! hopefully. :P
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Random posting
Ever find yourself in too late to do one particular thing for others that you'll live in regrets?
Life's mysterious (so is God. :P). There are so many happenings taking place at the same time and all will require our attention to a certain extent. How do you want to prioritise such that you are living right for the season and not missing out what's the juice of it all?
Life's fragile too. We do come and go and we'll never really know or even being warned when to meet the Lord..
So just asking, what's the thing you'll do for someone, and living out your best as if today's your last day? :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
No excuse for not enough time, everyone has the same amt of time, 24hrs a day, 7 days a wk. It's a matter of prioritising.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
this last one month had been an exciting month as it was a period of not just transition from work to school but also into what i believe a more challenging phase of my life, for the next 6 months at least. haha.
one of the more exciting things could be i got admitted into SOT probably. something i never imagined myself of doing yet as i had decided to do so, things began to change for me. one level can be myself seeing God moving in a more practical way, where the right people are just around for you at the right time, blessings coming in when you had least expected to etc.
fellowship with the CUs like Alex and Adeline are something which seem a bit far fetch for my lvl, so let alone really to learn from them but at that period, God just opened up the doorway and i really felt honoured. :)
above that, many things opened up for me in terms of taking on more things in cg, blessings of God coming into my life in terms of my 6 months of school fees FULLY paid for, getting a job which is flexible yet high earning for me.
of course, all these are the appetizers. God's really like saying 'Now that I have taken care of your physical worries, it's time for you to take care of My worries for you.' which means more things to come! in terms of challenges, persecutions probably, growing in capacity and faithfulness etc. SOT wun be just a bible school but a life-changing experience. Probably right now I won't be hoping for the best of what SOT can offer in terms of the awards but more for God to change my life, in a dramatic way, mind blowingly! :)
OPM now anyway.. till laters!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Random posting...
It's almost like you could sense the fear and sadness fm the person over the loss but yet the person has the strength to present everything's gonna be alright, life still goes on look. It's not about disguising the loss, but it's really bringing the zoe life of God into practical I feel. Really like the heroes of the Bible singing praises to God at their most down time, giving glory to God despite the tiredness effortlessly, having the necessary countenance to show all things are alright etc. The +ve attitude you carry. All represents the love, strength and grace one carries through God.
My heart really went to her as I was looking at her fragile face, not slping for the last 40hrs, hanging on to ensure things are fine and all goes well etc. I could see a fragile face, yet a strong spirit with the attitude of able to do all things. Source of motivation: Christ...
HM, if u r looking at this, i really admire your spirit and indeed you are my role model! Thank God for such a strong person like yourself that really supports and strengthens even in the toughest of the situation. Hats goes all out for you.
Certainly your dad is now enjoying his fellowship with God now, don't worry ya? :)
Leadership, what is it all about really? Choosing to lead to serve, or serve to lead?
As you set off as a leader, what kind of image are you posing to those under your charge. As someone who leads, you have to be one that gets prayed up and disciplined in life because all that matters is setting your life right for others to follow or learn from.
A leader is out to serve and give, with the right mindset of wanting to bless and bringing others up closer to their destiny.
How do you categorise as a leader over others? When you have followers and those who listen to you.
What's a leader without anyone to lead? But what really attracts one to be under the authority of the other? Similarly like Jesus, what attracted the multitudes to listen to Him or to seek after Him wherever He goes?
Where's your area of influence? how strong are they on the people you know?
Followers follow a leader because he is able to provide something which the followers can or hope to learn from, thus value adding what's in their lives. Be it spiritual teachings, talents in music etc. Because the followers are deprived and want to know more, that's why leaders with those criterias are chased upon. Because of what they can offer.
Comparing 2 masters (one gd and one bad) and you are the slave waiting to be bought over, (the gd master can pay less than the bad maxter for the same slave and can teach more as well), which oone will u Want to be.
A leader's never easy. you must have the capability to meet the needs of those under you, serving those around you and those who have authority over you. In short, a 360 degree leader.
Yet it is never about just serving and fulfilling the mins and quotas. It's about meeting needs and being the best of who we are and in others.
what's a person when he or she loses his or her soul? If we get too technical and less relational, how different are we from robots?
Yet as human it's natural for us to understand each other and meet needs out of the love God has for us. What's there to hate when love exists?
Random posting today... Till next time. :)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Essentials of Life - Blood
Beliefs are just like your red blood cells of the blood, bringing about the convictions, your dreams, visions and principles to all around the body.
At the same time, faith works like the white blood cells. Providing the immunity and anti-bodies, they help protect the very things you believe in, in every way.
Faith don't work together with fear, which are the viruses that comes to kill the red blood cells. Instead, faith works against it and the confidence which grows from the faith double secures the victory.
Faith and confidence works specifically towards the different kind of fear and setback, making each immunity unique. (similar to the lock and key model)
Hope. Acting like the platelets of the blood, they bring recovery to the wounds, wherever it is.
Love, as the blood vessels of the body. Helping to channel all the important ingredients around which provides an overall circulation of those to ensure things are running to perfection.
Try relating yourself when you are injured and wounded physically to the times when you are so discouraged and desperate.
Under those 2 circumstance, imagine how the blood actively outpouring into the wounded area, ensuring the area has enough blood to sustain the survival.
The blood vessels transporting the blood, red blood cells acting as filter and helping in the transportation of foreign bodies remains out of the wound, white blood cells acting against the germs or viruses to prevent infection, platelets quickly clotting up the wound to ensure blood is not lost further.
Similarly in the supernatural how the love of God can help bring about healing when we are at our down times. The love providing the necessities of the healing process. Beliefs and convictions you have secures your existance and life, the faith acting against the fear, the hope that brings new light to the wound that allows you to move on.
How true it is as you see how faith, love, hope etc works hand in hand, functions similar to how our body works and co-relates.
Was just thinking of how life will work when faith fails to exist when i think God gave the idea of what I'd blogged..
I just love God as who He is. :)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Do or do not?
There's always a desire within us to do that one thing, but fear always hold us back from doing it. Fear of not able to do it well, doing it till the end or even failing it.
Well, more often than not how many of us always hear of this line from others 'I'll try my best'? Nothing wrong with it really and at least the person is willing to give a try.
I'm often remembered by what Yoda in 'The Star Wars' movie used to say, ''Do or do not, there is no try.'' Simple words, yet the amount of confidence involved in saying 'you will do it' instead of 'i will try'.
Probably I should be less skeptical this round in not saying we should always say 'I will do it', but rather we should give ourselves a chance to do it, even if it means being less confident.. Even i can't say everytime that I can do it with full confidence.
Somehow I still thank God for the grace involved because when we step up in faith to say we will do it, He will give us what we need to overcome the difficulties and help us to complete what we has set out to do.
Very nice God I have coz no matter how hard things are, it will be of abounding grace that will push things through for me. :)
Gonna have faith!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Without love no relationships will exist, no communication will occur. Life virtually becomes dead.
But as love becomes the motivation, there it shall be that nothing is impossible for anyone and anytime.
It involves a simple matter of concern, an act of service, a sacrifice not out for rewards, pure giving without agenda, moving on with a vision, being full of passion and never afraid to fail.
Full of faith, courageous and bold.
Life is simple. We are made to love. Love exist over boundaries and time.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Old doors closed behind me but with new ones opened, catering to where I'm heading or where my talent is in..
Got challenged into areas where i'm good at, to be better, capacity expansion..
Somehow i'm still coping with the changes that'll take place, and definitely more to come. At least more things to finalise before new year commences prob. I guess as compared to some, i'm quite in a unique position where I can serve in many areas and it's actually pretty for me to switch ard. But problem may be where will i be best at?
and track record as compared to those in my cg, is definitely different in some sense..
Suddenly i realised sth... Time for me to change my goal settings for this yr le.. Many things await.. :)
had attended ALTC today as well and man it was good! Went right to the basics on the heart of a person.. And very creatively still rmbing how beatrice used the eg of the coke.. Haha! And it was a renewal of my r/s with God.. :)
Cool mth of jan.. Better things yet to come! :)
I'm just beginning to love my life more.. :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
recalling the dream...

Whenever you wake up, ever asked yourself how you want this day to be shaped? What do you want to achieve in this day itself? What dreams will I have today?

Haha I've always been thinking how life will have been if I'm without dreams and goals, without something to look forward to everyday. Perhaps dry, without a direction so will be at a loss as to what to do at times?
Thank God really that there are always things I want to go for, everyday. That He had given me dreams, talents and exposing me to areas where i can use my skill to benefit others.
So what is this dream I'm talking about? To be involved in social work, helping the less fortunate especially families to re-build their homes and to give the young a better future. Making a difference in their lives as well.
Since young I had always been associated to be self centered and basically, I don't know how to share. If my brother needs anything I won't relent and what is mine will be mine. Selfish? Yup absolutely.

After graduation from secondary school and into polytechnic, I was being exposed real-time to what we call voluntary work or community services. A group of 5 of us set up a club called NP Soleil which aims at helping the residents of Red Cross Home for the Disabled under Singapore Red Cross Association. What we did was to organise monthly visits to the Home, with many different activities related to festive seasons etc.
I still remember one of the bigger projects we had was to bring the residents out in SBS buses to Orchard Road during Christmas to view the lightings and all. Absolute wow with what we could do and I could always remember the smiles on the faces of the residents back then. The students and lecturers themselves too had the fun and through this I found the joy to help people with needs to be met.

Anyway time in NP was short but was experiential. Thank God for the oppurtunity to be helping out in volunteer work out of school and that's when I got to know CHCSA and Vic aka my CGL is one of the social workers there. So can imagine the number of activities I could be involved in, even till this day!! =)
Being there, exposed to me to greater areas of serving and the projects can be so diverse, from painting one-room flats to workshops at schools, to camps and projects aim at changing lives through books etc. And groups that I had came across with range from ex-inmates, youths, elderlys and families in need.
It is through all these that I realise I want to reach out to these groups of people to make a positive difference in their lives. God has also through all these events, taught me that people are the key, not the SOPs or the technical items of the event. Just like how a country values its people as the main resource.
That is also why right now I'm planning to take up Psychology degree with UB in SIM in August and so far I had people affirming that I'm actually on the right track so thank God for this. =)
I'm very excited about realising this dream of mine and as long as people is my passion and with God in it, I'll have a great future ahead! This also came by through ushering in church and event management in my current job that I can be equipped better for the future too! Amen to that!
Found it funny but I ever thought of setting up a business, a social enterprise to help me realise that dream and event management can be the thing! :P
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
而当他在处理问题时,是带着乐观的心情说 “我行的!!” 又或者有着很冷漠的态度,说这 “不关我的事,做错就做错。反正船到桥头自然直。” 更离谱的他可能抱着懒散的态度,什么东西都不管。
在你的身命当中,什么是最重要的? 在处理对你来说是重要的事,你会抱着怎样的心态处理它呢?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

this movie came out last wk in Singapore but it was already shown in US since Nov last year. When I first saw the trailer, it was pretty exciting and the scenes really showed the extraordinary life-changing experience of a man named Michael Oher, from a boy nearly recruited into street gangs and poor GPAs in schools, to a man who graduates from college, earning places in universities with scholarships and a sportsman in american football.
it really touches the heart and it's not because of the person or the whole experience, but a simple gesture of extending help and reaching out to a helpless man, raising him up to be one of good worth. it simply rocks.
ever imagined how a simple gesture of help and thanks can actually change a life of a person, for the better? talk about impacting lives!
it never requires alot to give. just compassion, love from the heart and passion.

i once dreamt myself doing community services, social work and organising those kind of events.

but that was during poly times when i was already doing those. then later the dream just died. i no longer thought about it, nor talked about it. things didn't seem to go the way i wanted it to be. this probably continued for about 2 years?

then came 2010 when the Haiti earthquake came, the movie 'The Blind Side', CG is planning on some community outreaches, these caught my attention. then this dream somehow got revived and i started to think about it, all over again. how it came about, how it was brought forth and other significant events.
how should i go about doing it? doors seem to close on certain ends, i don't know how to go on from where i am now. friday marks the last day of my work here in NIE. a short break i'll be taking, but time passes very fast.

I need to decide how I want to go on.

Monday, January 18, 2010
and as you naturally think of the person, you will want to find out about it and that's when you start to either call or sms them.
thereafter the thought comes of wanting to do something simple for them, just to make their day.
reason: he/she just matter to you so much that love abounds all things. :)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
What does it mean to impact the ppl, or through your daily interactions that r/s can be built and strengthened?
What does it mean as well to have ppl walking in the same vision as you, or ppl who are there to support you, no matter what?
Random posting...
Suddenly for the last 2 days i've been thinking of what to blog or twit.. Nth seems to be cmg out of my mind, at least nth meaningful or personal enough? :S
The only thing that seems to be ringing in my mind is my recent post on the human body thing... Some may noe recently things @ work didn't fall really well, and my last day is actually next fri! :S time really passes pretty fast that's why i say..
Time to decide on what my path will be.. I need to obtain a driving license by end of this yr as well! Many, many on the list building up.. And alot requires the money, and it's a long term thing! *looks into own pocket* and just got to know 'Arise and Build' '10 will be from Mar - Jul for 4 mths! This yr seriously seems to be a yr of spending huge on the necessities with debt cancellations to be done by end of this yR as well! I'm so gonna depend on Him to fill the pockets, and for me to tide thru all the financial needs without worries! :))
Somehow the direction for the yr seems bright and exciting but how many do know that it is as important to maintain that direction clear to self by doing the necessary! Haha.. Includes safeguarding own heart and mind, watchful for the dangers and bad influences, resist temptations, make wise decisions bla bla bla.. The list goes on.. :)
Challenging yr ahead, many goals to fulfill, standards to meet! Taking ownership and stay faithful for the little things before God blesses with the bigger things! Haha..
Got to learn to watch the boundaries as well, somehow i sense.. But it's another thing.. Keke..
Btw i'm blogging fm my phone thru emailing! How cool is that man! Haha.. Ease of blogging! :) wee!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
this place is a must come for chilling, though it's abit 'ulu'...
year of 2009 had been a roller coaster ride for many, even for myself. as such even for 2010, i'm just expecting the ride to go with more twists and turns. (hopefully no motion sickness~~)
i'm just praying to God that even for this year, I want to outdo what I did in 2009. Things that had gone wrong and I had lived through it, I don't wanna go through them definitely. If the lesson is learnt let it be a history of the past. It can be quite tiring having to go through the same thing all over.
definitely God have His plans for me and I'm just hoping I will be ready to go through them. One thing's for sure is that this year I have to watch over myself and guard those that has been entrusted to me. Things will not seem to be so tempting at the beginning but when the full picture blows and I dwell into it, there's no way of determining how to salvage it and hoping God will come to 'cover up' or minimise the damage done.
as the storm rises and settles, another is awaiting to come and bring forth more damage. but yet with every greater trial comes greater glory when it is overcomed or tided through. It represents a greater capacity of growth and containment for greater things.
I am just thinking, as we grow older, how will we grow wiser? As God anoints and blesses us with more capacity, how do we go about handling them? Something personal for myself, to change my thinking. we are made to adapt. our thinking can't be fixed to one direction forever. we need to position ourselves by changing our thinking to the seasons of God.
haaz, okay this is getting too serious here. just another random posting.. :S *hungry*
Body and Life
when we stop breathing, life stops to cease.
yet we are made to breathe, every second and every moment. doesn't that a simple proof that life is ever going and so important to live on?
out of the composition of air we breathe, there will be a small portion of harmful gases. yet our body is well and able to manage and filter them out. pretty direct to say that we are able to overcome all odds, difficulties or bad things that happen to us and function as per normal.
similarly for our immune system, it is designed to adapt to the evolving threats that our body faces with viruses etc and kill and win over it, gradually but surely. so it also speaks of us, that no matter how hard things are, we will overcome it, no matter what.
yeap there will be some cancer cells or viruses which can overpower our immune system, cause our internal organs to stop functioning etc. still there will be medication available or developing in progress that can help to curb the sicknesses. in real life the medication represents the friends and people God place over our lives to help us overcome them.
why do things that's on the contrary of how our body functions? if there's a difficulty, manage and overcome it. our body is designed to live for a period of time. make that period of time count. God don't design or create something without a purpose. I am a person created for a purpose, you are too.
Kris Allen - No Boundaries
Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment last forever if you feel you've lost your way
What if your chances are already gone
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
Coz hear I am — still holding on!
Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain (or through all your aches and pains)
Weather the hurricane
To get to that one thing
When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
B-reak every rule coz there's nothing between you
And your dreams
Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe it's harder to believe
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
With every step you climb another mountain
With every breathe it's harder to believe
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries.
There are now boundaries.
There are now boundaries.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
looking right now on the things to come this year... SOT, my degree studies, work, ministry etc.. many exciting things coming this year..
gonna be a year of expansion, growth in capacity and new adventures to look forward to!
of course there's this project going on as well. time of completion: 7 months. LOL!
Monday, January 11, 2010
many things in life happen in a flash of seconds, yet it is the build up of many other things which cause the event to happen. they do not take place without reason or without question. perhaps the question for us will be how do we deal with it when it happens.
making it worth, depends on how one deals with that thing or person. to either add value into it or decreases by destroying or ignoring it.
what results in the future is determined by the course of action today.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A person waiting for opportunities to come is as good as him waiting for death to knock on his door.
I want to fight, be bold, persevere for the things i believe in!
What I believe in will come to past, what I'm fighting for will be realized.
Opportunities are ever present, waiting to be found. Like a treasure hunter who seeks out and never rests till he finds the trasure. There his reward is found.
All it needs, is a decision to move forward, courageously and without fear!
''Be bold and be of good courage'' the Bible says...
How high and low the valleys are, steep as the roads can be, tall like walls will the tsunamis be. Obstacles can be overcomed, because they are stepping stones to our success.
Find anything in common?
Ans: A decision to do what's needed will determine how the above will come to past for you.
You DECIDE your own life!
another random posting.. :S
But ever thought of some who have been successful in life, created a legacy for themselves or had at least made an impact in someone else's life as compared to those who lead an aimless or normal, mundane life? And the common factor btw them could have been they were given the same amount of time to live with (aka born ard same time till age of 50 for eg) yet the outcomes generated can be world's apart?
Yup, probably we can argue that the family backgrounds, education levels would have made the difference. But how many do know that success is not determined by what you do, it's by how you live your life to create an impact?
And seriously how many a time success is determined by how well you pick yourself up from failures, having to persevere in what you believe or dream about and make it happen.
The Wright brothers believed in man having the capability to fly and that belief changed how we travel between continents and modern warfare etc, MM Lee Kuan Yew believed in making Singapore a country who is well and able to function as a world class economy body etc and it is affirmed by how well it's governed today. Many other examples but all these great things couldn't have happened if they have not first dreamt or believed in what they see, spending time and effort to realise them and more importantly not giving up on them...
Anyway it's just another random post which seem no link to many who's reading (lost in randomness haha...)
But pt is, are you willing to put an effort to start believing in what you hold dear to or visualise in, to make it happen?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
starting of the year had been a blast and countless nites of not sleeping enuff! :S but it was great time spending with the friends who have been great company and looking forward to many more wonderful days to come! :)
wonder how has the start of the yr 2010 been like for all of you and what will you be expecting to accomplish in the new year?
if there's time shall blog mine soon. :S
one transition coming on and wonder how it will be. :) trusting God for that..